The first thing I did was hop into Houdini to get started making some terrains that Surtur would stand on. So I made a couple versions that I could use for this project and others. I also made a lightning effect in Houdini saved it as a alembic then brouhgt that into Cinema 4D.
The Zeus model I have was from my minifactory a great website for free stml files of different miniatures. Now that I have that done Im gonna go into Cinema 4D to do the lighting, and materials. I textured everything using Redshift, for the skin material I used 2 standard materials with color layer nodes to make it and made a x-ray material to show whats under the material, then used the curvature node with some noises and imperfections to break it up. I used a vertex map to control where the texture showed using a box field and used the vertex attribute to have the material recognize it. I rendered a custom aov using the store color node each time the x-ray showed. I also used the volume material for the clouds, they were from a cloud pack. I also brought in the one of the Houdini landscapes and textured it using the same rock material as well as the electricity alembic. I also used a cloner to scatter nulls over certain sections of the characters models body then put a external comping tag on them and used the compositing section of C4D to export them as a aec file along with the camera I was using.
Next up is bringing it all together, I basically made a main comp where I stacked my diffuse reflection and other passes onto my beauty and since don’t have the red giant plugins I used the standard glow and other color corrections like hue and saturation to color correct this. I also used my points pass and wireframe along with the custon aov pass to show where the those 2 passes where. I also saved many animation presets, I also brought in a photoshop file I made to serve as a guide for the new UI graphics along with some I made in Cinema and just brought those into AE. I also brought in some illustrator UI I made and used the overlord plugin to bring those shape layers over.